Tips for a Good Birth
While the female body is prepared for motherhood, the truth is that lead to doubts and fears about childbirth. The moment of birth a child is emotionally charged; so below we give you some tips that will allow you to experience the birth of your child with confidence and joy:
1- The importance of being informed; from where to have data: the key is to trust the doctor and not be in doubt.
So for the delivery to go well, whether naturally or through surgery, the main thing is to trust that the determination made by your gynecologist is correct. Generally if you need cesarean, you know in advance, unless there is some complication in the last minute.
3. Knowing the type of contractions that you have at the time of delivery: uterus prepares for the moment of birth throughout the pregnancy, causing contractions that do not usually cause any pain. Towards the end of pregnancy are more frequent regular contractions that feel like hard belly in its entirety. Nor are often painful, what defines them is that they are rhythmic.
Date of Birth; Why is Forward or Backward
Calculate your due date can be done quickly and easily with a calculator birth online, but the truth is that this calculation is not one hundred percent accurate, it's only an approximation.
Nature is unpredictable, so the baby born date may be advanced or delayed.
Nature is unpredictable, so the baby born date may be advanced or delayed.
Your date of birth may be delayed due to:
- Heredity.
- The reduced elasticity of the female body tissues.
- Certain diseases.
- Long menstrual cycles.
- The gestation date is not well calculated.
Your date of birth can be advanced due to:
- Uterine malformations, which reduce the dilation of the uterus.
- Twin or multiple pregnancy: lack of space in the uterine cavity for future babies.
- Premature rupture of water.
- Stress situations.
- Be under 20 years.
- Placental abrupt.
- The volume of amniotic fluid is increased.
C-section or Natural Childbirth
Over the years; childbirth method was changes, often give the possibility for the mother or the parents to decide how they want to give birth to their son.While most used is the normal birth, cesarean section is an option that is only used when the mother has a problem which requires medical intervention, it is often programmed by physicians and parents in advance.
While it is a woman right to choose not to go through unwanted pain, we must note that an operation always has risks and disadvantages compared to a natural birth.
There are many cases that cesarean section should be planned, either because the baby is not in the correct position, problems of bones in the pelvis, fractures and etc. Sometimes the decision must be taken at the time of birth, either because the mother is not dilated, the baby changes position, the cord is wrapped around the baby and so on.
It is important to consult your obstetrician before taking any decision and prepare for childbirth, not thinking about the suffering and pain.
If the pregnancy is uncomplicated and birth can be natural, it is more beneficial, since it remains cesarean surgery, which cuts both the abdomen and the uterus, so that should not be chosen because fear of pain but as an alternative to risks that could affect the baby or mother.
While it is a woman right to choose not to go through unwanted pain, we must note that an operation always has risks and disadvantages compared to a natural birth.
There are many cases that cesarean section should be planned, either because the baby is not in the correct position, problems of bones in the pelvis, fractures and etc. Sometimes the decision must be taken at the time of birth, either because the mother is not dilated, the baby changes position, the cord is wrapped around the baby and so on.
It is important to consult your obstetrician before taking any decision and prepare for childbirth, not thinking about the suffering and pain.
How to Recover Your Figure Size After Childbirth
- Forget the time that you felt you must eat for two.
-Tighten your abdominal muscles when you can; while strolling baby; ironing or prepare a tea. At first you have to make an effort, but then you will tougher this area all the time.
- Do not try to burn calories as if they were leaves; a sudden weight loss, coupled with the void left by the baby, make the abdomen skin as accordion bellows.
- Drink as much water as possible; at least 2 liters per day will help burn fat and have milk in the breasts. But drink it away from meals.
- Give yourself time to re-use belts.
- Walk as straight as possible; hold the baby sometimes bend the shoulders, back, leaning forward and pointing outwards belly conspicuously.
- Avoid fats, sodas and alcohol; gas in your stomach would slow down the digestion.
- Use the daily self-massage, gently but steadily.
- Give up snacking.
- Eat fiber (wheat bread, vegetables, fruits) that do not gain weight and promote bowel movements.
-Tighten your abdominal muscles when you can; while strolling baby; ironing or prepare a tea. At first you have to make an effort, but then you will tougher this area all the time.
- Do not try to burn calories as if they were leaves; a sudden weight loss, coupled with the void left by the baby, make the abdomen skin as accordion bellows.
- Drink as much water as possible; at least 2 liters per day will help burn fat and have milk in the breasts. But drink it away from meals.
- Give yourself time to re-use belts.
- Avoid fats, sodas and alcohol; gas in your stomach would slow down the digestion.
- Use the daily self-massage, gently but steadily.
- Give up snacking.
- Eat fiber (wheat bread, vegetables, fruits) that do not gain weight and promote bowel movements.
- Keep saying no to smoking and excessive coffee.
- Prefer honey to sweeten, but use it sparingly.
- Use a bathing suit that fits well the belly. You will feel more comfortable and organs slowly return to his place.
- Use a classic footwear, which helps to naturally maintain an upright and elegant even holding the baby.
- Prefer honey to sweeten, but use it sparingly.
- Use a bathing suit that fits well the belly. You will feel more comfortable and organs slowly return to his place.
- Use a classic footwear, which helps to naturally maintain an upright and elegant even holding the baby.
Modern Baby Names
Once we confirm that we are expecting a baby it's time to start thinking about the name that we like to call our baby. Many parents already have selected ever since; while others turn to family tradition. But there are those who are not decided until the last minute.
The choice of name for our baby is a major decision; the name will take lifetime! So Look for modern names for your child.
The choice of name for our baby is a major decision; the name will take lifetime! So Look for modern names for your child.
Games That Stimulate Baby
Playing with your child a game such as "five fingers", not only encouraging their manual skills but also effect their mental development.
The slow gentle movements numb and soothe the baby. Therefore, it is normal that we take him up and rocked him when he cries.
But there are other games which may also be beneficial and entertaining for the child, this is something like what all parents do: throw the baby into the air, and re-take it or do jogging on her knees saying arre, arre, horse.
Some experts believe that these game are very good because they stimulate the balance organ, or the inner ear vestibular system. This balance is essential for the development of other senses.
The slow gentle movements numb and soothe the baby. Therefore, it is normal that we take him up and rocked him when he cries.
Some experts believe that these game are very good because they stimulate the balance organ, or the inner ear vestibular system. This balance is essential for the development of other senses.
First Contact With Your Baby
If you ask a mom what would she do to calm a crying child; surely she reply: "I would take him between my arms, kiss him, tell him all words that I saved for him since nine months". Some professionals thought similarly; and at first the task will not be easy.
They thought too, that the child would cool if it was rushed to the nursery, but could be demonstrated that no baby heat loses if it is skin to skin contact with their mother. So baby can take a nap on his mom.
Baby Development and Music
Since the nineties, the idea that music can influence a baby's development has made its way, this is agreed with recent studies on the effects of classical music in baby brain evolution and it's benefits in psychometric development. They says this can lead to peace and create harmony in your baby's life.
The music serves as a support to achieve independence in daily activities as well as caring for oneself and the environment. Stimulated a child to live music with other children, to be able to establish a harmonious communication.
It should be a difference between music for babies and children, since the former are instrumental while the latter contain letters and vocal rhythms, which helps the memory, body language and pronunciation. Well as other activities such as reading stories, singing and playing games helps for better development of the infant.
The music serves as a support to achieve independence in daily activities as well as caring for oneself and the environment. Stimulated a child to live music with other children, to be able to establish a harmonious communication.
It should be a difference between music for babies and children, since the former are instrumental while the latter contain letters and vocal rhythms, which helps the memory, body language and pronunciation. Well as other activities such as reading stories, singing and playing games helps for better development of the infant.
Being a Single Parent
Parenting is undoubtedly a huge responsibility especially when one of the two missing. A single parent; either by separation, divorce or death of a spouse, has to deal with responsibilities additional to stresses and strains. But there are ways to assume this responsibility by overcoming difficulties.
Although the final responsibility is always yours, you should take some refreshing breaks from the routine without feeling guilty. Remember that you are not only father but also a human being, it is important to look after your own needs and have a healthy social life.
Although the final responsibility is always yours, you should take some refreshing breaks from the routine without feeling guilty. Remember that you are not only father but also a human being, it is important to look after your own needs and have a healthy social life.
A father / single mother has to take the place of the absent parent as far as possible, and never let your bitterness, bad experiences, disgust and anger, infecting the psyche of your child. Make the child understand the importance of friendships and lasting human relationships.
Give your child the proper preparation for you to deal with uncomfortable questions from his friends, and tell the child to never hide the fact that he or she has only one parent. Otherwise you run the risk that the child becomes hypersensitive. Attitudes living situation is all, if the child does not see you with bouts of self-pity and depression, the fact of belonging to a single parent does not disturb your child.
Give your child the proper preparation for you to deal with uncomfortable questions from his friends, and tell the child to never hide the fact that he or she has only one parent. Otherwise you run the risk that the child becomes hypersensitive. Attitudes living situation is all, if the child does not see you with bouts of self-pity and depression, the fact of belonging to a single parent does not disturb your child.
Umbilical Cord: Care & Advice
Let's start by saying that the cord is the link between mother & baby and responsible for carrying food to the baby. The mother problems and fears begins once the child is born, the cord is cut and clamped by the obstetrician. It take from 9 to 20 days to fall.
When changing for the baby, we cleaned their hands thoroughly after clean the navel with sterile gauze, alcohol (or antiseptic recommended by the doctor).
Care of the navel when change the diaper and surrounding it with gauze, in order not to get wet of the baby urine or stool. Cleaning the navel, should be at least 3 times a day.
There are different opinions of the baby bath, some advise that is not made before the fall of this and others allow you bath.
It is important that the mother knows she must never try to pull the navel although the dry side, the umbilical must fall alone.
After dropping the navel, be sure not to have any strong odor or to see the area very red, it is normal to have a hue red around, but not intense color.
Apgar Score in Newborns
Apgar score is one of the most common practice assessment for the newborn baby, this test determines whether a child is born well and if he is breathing correctly and its name refers to the words: Appearance, Pulse, gestures and breathing activity.
The exam consists of fairly simple five parameters: skin color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone and breathing. Each parameter receives a score between 0 and 2 and then add the five scores to have the final result of the test.
If a baby has five normal parameters get a score of 10 and that means perfect health although the final score is between 7 and 9 is acceptable; when the score is between 5 to 7 the child is moderately decreased, whereas if the result is less than 5 the baby is severely diminished.
Apgar test is done in the first minutes of the child life even at specific times for the first score assesses the level of tolerance of the newborn at birth process. Meanwhile, the score at 5 minutes of adaptability assesses the newborn's environment and its resilience.
The exam consists of fairly simple five parameters: skin color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone and breathing. Each parameter receives a score between 0 and 2 and then add the five scores to have the final result of the test.
If a baby has five normal parameters get a score of 10 and that means perfect health although the final score is between 7 and 9 is acceptable; when the score is between 5 to 7 the child is moderately decreased, whereas if the result is less than 5 the baby is severely diminished.
Apgar test is done in the first minutes of the child life even at specific times for the first score assesses the level of tolerance of the newborn at birth process. Meanwhile, the score at 5 minutes of adaptability assesses the newborn's environment and its resilience.
Changing Baby's Diaper
Before doing anything you should clean your hands using alcohol gel. When you are ready to remove the dirty diaper think to leave baby's skin for a while outdoors, if possible would be fine to leave it without a diaper at least a few minutes.If you notice that there is some sort of eczema or skin irritation then you have to use sunscreen, if it last for long time you should consult a pediatrician.
You should prepare all the necessary products and carried them in a bag when leaving home, such as appropriate size diapers, dry towel and etc.
You should prepare all the necessary products and carried them in a bag when leaving home, such as appropriate size diapers, dry towel and etc.
Baby's Room Curtains
There are many details to consider when organize the baby's room, so you must start the work without hesitation.One of the aspects to consider is the lighting and in this, the curtains play a role If baby's room has natural light that curtains should choose to regulate their intensity. You should also carefully choose the color to match the rest of the furniture.
Parents and Sibling Fights
Fights between siblings are necessary steps to achieve social and emotional maturity; however parents should be aware when it are too aggressive and violent, and when occur for inadequate reason.
Parents should always watch carefully the fights among their children, they should actively participate in all altercation occur. Not to separate them, appease them or direct them continuously. It is important that they can solve their own problems without intermediaries.
They should not ignore disputes and pretending that they did not hear, children should know that their parents care for them but also hope that parents have the maturity to not intervene.
If it is always the same child who start fighting, this indicates that this fight is a help call. Aggression is a wake up call. In principle, parents should consider whether the violence at home is just "kid stuff" or not; and do not forget that children are a mirror of their parents.
After that and instead of responding violently, you should talk with the violent child. Never give mixed messages, confusing, derogatory or authoritarian. You should not hit or challenge him, there must be a dialogue.
Through questions, reflections and anecdotes, parents should try to understand the child and help him. If in spite of tolerance and dialogue approach; the child's behavior does not change, then it is advisable to seek for professional guidance so that together, the family and the specialist will assist the child to overcome violence.
Parents should always watch carefully the fights among their children, they should actively participate in all altercation occur. Not to separate them, appease them or direct them continuously. It is important that they can solve their own problems without intermediaries.
They should not ignore disputes and pretending that they did not hear, children should know that their parents care for them but also hope that parents have the maturity to not intervene.
If it is always the same child who start fighting, this indicates that this fight is a help call. Aggression is a wake up call. In principle, parents should consider whether the violence at home is just "kid stuff" or not; and do not forget that children are a mirror of their parents.
After that and instead of responding violently, you should talk with the violent child. Never give mixed messages, confusing, derogatory or authoritarian. You should not hit or challenge him, there must be a dialogue.
Through questions, reflections and anecdotes, parents should try to understand the child and help him. If in spite of tolerance and dialogue approach; the child's behavior does not change, then it is advisable to seek for professional guidance so that together, the family and the specialist will assist the child to overcome violence.
Baby's First Outing
Babies should get used to going out, it is best to start out to their environment from 2 months to become familiar quickly with the outside and it is good to walks almost daily.
Even from that age they are fully capable to exit, we must not neglect their welfare especially the effects of weather; such as a sudden change in temperature that may cause health problems.
Since baby in the first year of life may spend a longer time outside the home, it is important to keep their feet and hands always warm. If we are in summer then you should protect their skin from the sun.
The Sun is necessary for child development, but you should use a children sunscreen. The use of sunscreens should be extended over the years and become a habit; that the sun harmful effects risen over time and continue to grow.
Even from that age they are fully capable to exit, we must not neglect their welfare especially the effects of weather; such as a sudden change in temperature that may cause health problems.
Since baby in the first year of life may spend a longer time outside the home, it is important to keep their feet and hands always warm. If we are in summer then you should protect their skin from the sun.
The Sun is necessary for child development, but you should use a children sunscreen. The use of sunscreens should be extended over the years and become a habit; that the sun harmful effects risen over time and continue to grow.
Care of Nipples During Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is the best choice to feed our children but for some women the initial process is not as simple as they once imagined. Although it is a natural process, breastfeeding is learning for both mother and newborn.
The beginning of this path can lead to pain, discomfort and irritation, especially in the nipples. This is caused from your baby frequent suckling that sometimes hurts the area at first.
To avoid this problem or to alleviate pain here are some tips you can consider:
- Air: Nipples are very sensitive and that is why it is recommended to aerate and strengthen delicate skin that covers them. Also to prevent the sensitivity in this area, aeration can be achieved through traditional aerators shields that should be placed between the breast and the bra, moreover you should use a bra that holds the breasts but do not tighten them.
- Lubrication: To preserve the natural gratitude that occurs during pregnancy is recommended to avoid soaps or products containing alcohol or glycerin, also the brushes and sponges as they tend to dry and cut the skin of the nipple.
- Water: We recommend cleaning the nipples with only water as the liquid is sufficient for daily hygiene.
- Sol: Sun exposure is a good way to fortify the nipples, begin with shots for five minutes up to twenty minutes.
To avoid this problem or to alleviate pain here are some tips you can consider:
- Air: Nipples are very sensitive and that is why it is recommended to aerate and strengthen delicate skin that covers them. Also to prevent the sensitivity in this area, aeration can be achieved through traditional aerators shields that should be placed between the breast and the bra, moreover you should use a bra that holds the breasts but do not tighten them.
- Lubrication: To preserve the natural gratitude that occurs during pregnancy is recommended to avoid soaps or products containing alcohol or glycerin, also the brushes and sponges as they tend to dry and cut the skin of the nipple.
- Water: We recommend cleaning the nipples with only water as the liquid is sufficient for daily hygiene.
- Sol: Sun exposure is a good way to fortify the nipples, begin with shots for five minutes up to twenty minutes.
Knowing Your Baby Sex
Just know that you will have a baby, the first thing you think of is sex. Large percentage of people want to know as soon as possible the sex of their baby, to buy clothes and arrange the room according to whether girl or boy.
In the first 3 months it is very difficult to know, but then there are studies that can define the sex.
Some very simple studies such as ultrasound can show sex, but this can also be a mistake if the baby is in a position in which sex is hidden.
Know the sex for many parents has great advantages, but others prefer the surprise of that moment as wonderful as childbirth.
It is a choice that every couple should take depending on what they generate more happiness.
In the first 3 months it is very difficult to know, but then there are studies that can define the sex.
Some very simple studies such as ultrasound can show sex, but this can also be a mistake if the baby is in a position in which sex is hidden.
Know the sex for many parents has great advantages, but others prefer the surprise of that moment as wonderful as childbirth.
It is a choice that every couple should take depending on what they generate more happiness.
Woman Stomach Size Does Not Depend on Baby Size
Normally, when you are pregnant with an enormous belly you think that "big baby will be inside", but the truth is that the size of the belly has no direct relationship with the baby's size. The same is true of the small stomachs they have a very good weight babies, so for women with small bellies their is no need to worry about the baby grows inside their uterus.
The shape and size of the stomach are dependent on many factors besides the size of the baby, such as the position. The size of the gut also depends on the amount of amniotic fluid and placenta size and this is not related to of birth weight.
The shape and size of the stomach are dependent on many factors besides the size of the baby, such as the position. The size of the gut also depends on the amount of amniotic fluid and placenta size and this is not related to of birth weight.
The women abdominal muscles have an effect in belly size; in cases of obesity the stomach may even go unnoticed. The position of the uterus are also have an influence, which in some women is set back by having the abdomen is less noticeable.
In a new mother, stomach takes longer to notice; that in subsequent pregnancies because the uterine muscle has not been relaxed.
You see, the size of the stomach has no direct relationship with the baby's size. Using ultrasounds we measure growth parameters (abdominal circumference, head circumference and femur length) that will determine whether the baby's size is right for your stage of pregnancy.
Family Planning: Natural methods
Natural family planning (NFP) methods help a couple determine when sexual intercourse can cause pregnancy or not.
There are two natural methods of NFP:
1) Ovulation. This method determines your fertile days reviewing the cervical mucus days before and after ovulation, the cervical mucus is suitable for fertilization when it's clear, thin and stretches.
2) Natural or basal temperature: With this method you must take your temperature every day with a thermometer, when a woman is fertile her temperature rises slightly with a pain in the ovaries and lower back.
1) Ovulation. This method determines your fertile days reviewing the cervical mucus days before and after ovulation, the cervical mucus is suitable for fertilization when it's clear, thin and stretches.
2) Natural or basal temperature: With this method you must take your temperature every day with a thermometer, when a woman is fertile her temperature rises slightly with a pain in the ovaries and lower back.
To apply these methods you need advice from a gynecologist or a reproductive health expert to know how to used both methods to track changes that occur in your body.
These methods are most effective in women with regular menstrual cycles, we can also tell woman with irregular menstrual cycles when they are ovulating by their physical changes.
Those methods to be effective, woman must strictly follow the instructions of the obstetrician or expert. However, in practice these methods do not become effective as medical methods for birth control.
Baby Teeth Care
About four months baby begins to develop their teeth and you do not have to wait until your child reaches 2 or 3 years to start taking care of his dental health. The hygiene of the teeth is as important as other body parts of your baby, to avoid dental later problems as well as your child get early on this healthy habit.
Dentists recommend brushing baby teeth at least once a day and preferably at night before sleep.
To brush baby teeth use a special baby toothbrush with very finite bristle and non-fluoride toothpaste to avoid the danger of poisoning. And it is natural at first time that your child resists this care.
With respect to electric toothbrushes, the best age to begin its use is when the child reaches age seven.
With respect to electric toothbrushes, the best age to begin its use is when the child reaches age seven.
Breastfeeding give you a very comforting feeling when have your baby between your arms, in addition to the other benefits listed below:
* For the mother:
- Accelerates the loss of fat accumulated during pregnancy.
- Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
- Improved postpartum recovery.
- Promotes bonding with baby.
- Significantly reduces postpartum depression.
- Accelerates uterine involution, which means the uterus return to its normal size.
* For the mother:
- Accelerates the loss of fat accumulated during pregnancy.
- Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
- Improved postpartum recovery.
- Promotes bonding with baby.
- Significantly reduces postpartum depression.
- Accelerates uterine involution, which means the uterus return to its normal size.
* For the baby:
- Breast milk is uniquely suited to the requirements of the baby, meet all his needs.
- It protects you from infections and allergies.
- Predisposes baby to good eating habits in the future.
- It digests better.
- Facilitates bonding with the mother.
- Prevent dental problems.
- It prevents obesity, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and allergies in the future.
- Breast milk is uniquely suited to the requirements of the baby, meet all his needs.
- It protects you from infections and allergies.
- Predisposes baby to good eating habits in the future.
- It digests better.
- Facilitates bonding with the mother.
- Prevent dental problems.
- It prevents obesity, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and allergies in the future.
* For the family:
- Means less economic cost.
- Ensures greater comfort and hygiene: not to worry because the milk is gone, no need to prepare bottles and sterilize them.
- Means less economic cost.
- Ensures greater comfort and hygiene: not to worry because the milk is gone, no need to prepare bottles and sterilize them.
* For society
- Preserves natural resources.
- Save human and material resources in hospitals.
- Preserves natural resources.
- Save human and material resources in hospitals.
Mother at 40 .... Advantages and Disadvantages
There is no doubt that the best age to conceive a child is between 18 and 35. In fact, woman's fertility begins to decline from this age and being much harder to become pregnant through natural methods beyond age 40.
- Advantages:- At 40 you're mature enough to enjoy a fully responsible motherhood.
- Once achieved many of your achievements in personal and professional to feel safer and less stressed.
- Economic stability is generally more favorable to meet expenses associated with a child.
- Most children of the 40 years mother, agree on the physical and rejuvenate the mind.
- Remember that potential fertility is reduced by up to 50% in year 40, so it is not easy to become pregnant in the first attempt. You must have patience and not become hopeless.
- The possibilities of complications during pregnancy increase.
- The cases of hypertension are considerably higher.
- The risk of birth defects or other health problems in the baby multiply.
- Your energy to care for a baby is not the same as it would with 10 years younger.
- Once achieved many of your achievements in personal and professional to feel safer and less stressed.
- Economic stability is generally more favorable to meet expenses associated with a child.
- Most children of the 40 years mother, agree on the physical and rejuvenate the mind.
- Remember that potential fertility is reduced by up to 50% in year 40, so it is not easy to become pregnant in the first attempt. You must have patience and not become hopeless.
- The possibilities of complications during pregnancy increase.
- The cases of hypertension are considerably higher.
- The risk of birth defects or other health problems in the baby multiply.
- Your energy to care for a baby is not the same as it would with 10 years younger.
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