C-section or Natural Childbirth

Over the years; childbirth method was changes, often give the possibility for the mother or the parents to decide how they want to give birth to their son.While most used is the normal birth, cesarean section is an option that is only used when the mother has a problem which requires medical intervention, it is often programmed by physicians and parents in advance.

If the pregnancy is uncomplicated and birth can be natural, it is more beneficial, since it remains cesarean surgery, which cuts both the abdomen and the uterus, so that should not be chosen because fear of pain but as an alternative to risks that could affect the baby or mother.

While it is a woman right to choose not to go through unwanted pain, we must note that an operation always has risks and disadvantages compared to a natural birth. 

There are many cases that cesarean section should be planned, either because the baby is not in the correct position, problems of bones in the pelvis, fractures and etc. Sometimes the decision must be taken at the time of birth, either because the mother is not dilated, the baby changes position, the cord is wrapped around the baby and so on.

It is important to consult your obstetrician before taking any decision and prepare for childbirth, not thinking about the suffering and pain.

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