
Breastfeeding give you a very comforting feeling when have your baby between your arms, in addition to the other benefits listed below:
* For the mother:
- Accelerates the loss of fat accumulated during pregnancy.
- Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
- Improved postpartum recovery.
- Promotes bonding with baby.
- Significantly reduces postpartum depression.
- Accelerates uterine involution, which means the uterus return to its normal size.

* For the baby:
- Breast milk is uniquely suited to the requirements of the baby, meet all his needs.
- It protects you from infections and allergies.
- Predisposes baby to good eating habits in the future.
- It digests better.
- Facilitates bonding with the mother.
- Prevent dental problems.
- It prevents obesity, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and allergies in the future.

* For the family:
- Means less economic cost.
- Ensures greater comfort and hygiene: not to worry because the milk is gone, no need to prepare bottles and sterilize them.

* For society
- Preserves natural resources.
- Save human and material resources in hospitals.

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