Muscle and Joint Pain During Pregnancy

Most women suffer from muscle and joint discomfort during pregnancy, sometimes they get scared from pain and nothing reassure them than having information. These complaints usually come in week 14. 

 - Round Ligament Pain: which most know as "ovarian pain", this pain appear at the end of a day's effort; a lot of walking or prolonged standing. The affected area is the ligament in the groin, usually the right.
- Pubic Pain: The pain is located below the navel and above the pubic hair. It is due to relaxation of the pubic joint due to hormones, this relaxation is needed for delivery. This pain intensifies with heavy work, staying long in one position or straining the abdominal muscles.

From the 3rd trimester other pain can be identified:
- Pain: Is the pain in your lower back, center and above the buttocks. It is due to the changes that occur in the spine due to increased weight of the abdomen. You should avoid bending over to pick something up.

- Sacroiliitis: Also on the lower back but sideways, it's a natural change of the spine to counter the weight. 
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Numbness, pain and tingling of the fingers, especially the middle finger. It is due to fluid accumulation in an area near the wrist and compression on nerves. It is improved by raising the hands above heart level, and opening and closing the fingers.

These complaints do not represent any danger to the mother or child, but if the pains are very severe, consult your doctor about ways to drop them.

1 comment:

  1. These pains are common things during pregnancy but don’t take them easy because the can disturb your life in future. In these days you can do some workout or get a physical therapy treatment for being safe.
    physiotherapist bergen county , physical therapy bergen county


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