Tips For Bathing Your Baby

Bath time is special time allows you to come closeness and bonding with your baby, so it is not a chore but a special moment to remember forever.

Below are some tips to bath your baby:
- Fill tub with water at a temperature between 32º and 38ºC, move water with your hand so that water in tub is not extremely cold nor very hot.- Place baby gently, holding his head with one arm. If your baby is restless, talk with him softly or sing to make him relax.
- Start the bath by cleaning the area around his eyes using moistened cotton towels.
- Continue the rest of his face with a cloth, around the mouth, behind the ear and below the neck.
- Wash his head with baby shampoo, must be neutral and slightly perfumed.
- Dip rest of his body with a special towel for this purpose.
- Upon completion bath, lift baby under his arms and put a dry towel on top of your shoulder so you can easily keep him warm.
- Drying the baby and give him a cuddle.
- Finish with a relaxing massage to sleep.

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