How to Recover Your Figure Size After Childbirth

- Forget the time that you felt you must eat for two.
-Tighten your abdominal muscles when you can; while strolling baby; ironing or prepare a tea. At first you have to make an effort, but then you will tougher this area all the time.

- Do not try to burn calories as if they were leaves; a sudden weight loss, coupled with the void left by the baby, make the abdomen skin as accordion bellows.
- Drink as much water as possible; at least 2 liters per day will help burn fat and have milk in the breasts. But drink it away from meals.
- Give yourself time to re-use belts.

- Walk as straight as possible; hold the baby sometimes bend the shoulders, back, leaning forward and pointing outwards belly conspicuously.
- Avoid fats, sodas and alcohol; gas in your stomach would slow down the digestion.
- Use the daily self-massage, gently but steadily.
- Give up snacking.
- Eat fiber (wheat bread, vegetables, fruits) that do not gain weight and promote bowel movements.

- Keep saying no to smoking and excessive coffee.
- Prefer honey to sweeten, but use it sparingly.
- Use a bathing suit that fits well the belly. You will feel more comfortable and organs slowly return to his place.
- Use a classic footwear, which helps to naturally maintain an upright and elegant even holding the baby.

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