Apgar Score in Newborns

Apgar score is one of the most common practice assessment for the newborn baby, this test determines whether a child is born well and if he is breathing correctly and its name refers to the words: Appearance, Pulse, gestures and breathing activity. 

The exam consists of fairly simple five parameters: skin color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone and breathing. Each parameter receives a score between 0 and 2 and then add the five scores to have the final result of the test.
If a baby has five normal parameters get a score of 10 and that means perfect health although the final score is between 7 and 9 is acceptable; when the score is between 5 to 7 the child is moderately decreased, whereas if the result is less than 5 the baby is severely diminished.

Apgar test is done in the first minutes of the child life even at specific times for the first score assesses the level of tolerance of the newborn at birth process. Meanwhile, the score at 5 minutes of adaptability assesses the newborn's environment and its resilience.

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