Why Do Kids Stutter

This phenomenon surprised many parents, boy who had gone off to talk perhaps surprised and even pride the family for his elaborate language, begins suddenly stuttering.
It is common around age 3 after a child has begun to speak fluently, it's a passing phase of stuttering. It can occur as a result of a new baby crisis or because, for no apparent reason to explain.

Language development does not always follow a linear progressive evolution, but sometimes there are small setbacks, like a kind of respite before further progress.
Our attitude is very important. If done properly, this phase will be temporary in 80 percent of cases, whereas if they commit certain errors, there will be likelihood that stuttering is perpetuated.
It helps to talk slowly and calmly, enhance self-confidence, showing love and praise their positive aspects.
If the setbacks are persist for several months, then you have to make a specialized test, if it is establishing a real disorder that requires treatment.

Important things to consider:
- Listening to the boy with no hurry, no signs of impatience (be careful of gestures and body language).
- Do not repeat, do not force him to talk slower.
- Do not finish his words, nor correct or make any comment about it.
- Wait patiently to the end to say what they want.
- Focus on the content of what he says, not how he say and respond only on the basis of content.

Ideas to Decorate Baby's Room

Not sure how to decorate your baby's room? Here we will give you some ideas to keep in mind when decorating your baby's room:
1- Baby's room must have all required safety measures, so you could use a suitable soft carpet. Moreover, furniture should be chosen with a light or neutral color.
2- The Cradle is one of the furniture that you have to begin with to build the room. For this reasons it is important to know the sex of the baby, otherwise, you must choose a neutral color.

3- After you have primary, the baby's room can be changed according to various accessories such as diaper bags, baby musical mobiles, lamps and other decorations that you can include.
4- Leave the rest to your imagination and what your heart feel when decorating the room with love for your baby.
5- Other ideas for decorating baby's room is here:

Predict The Baby Sex By China Table

Once you know that you are pregnant, surely the first questions or concerns that come to mind are: will my baby born healthy? Is it male or female?
Well, if you have not got an ultrasound and want to know the sex of your baby, here is the famous China Table or Chinese calendar with which you can predict the sex of your baby.

Calculating your Moon Age:
To calculate the moon age only need to add two years to your real age if you were born between January and February, if not, all you need is add one year to your real age and ready, check the table and you will be the result. This is because Chinese Year has a different end to the calendar we regularly use.

This is an ancient Chinese method, there is no evidence to prove that the result will be 100% right, however it is not harmful and threatens our health.

Tips For Bathing Your Baby

Bath time is special time allows you to come closeness and bonding with your baby, so it is not a chore but a special moment to remember forever.

Below are some tips to bath your baby:
- Fill tub with water at a temperature between 32º and 38ºC, move water with your hand so that water in tub is not extremely cold nor very hot.- Place baby gently, holding his head with one arm. If your baby is restless, talk with him softly or sing to make him relax.
- Start the bath by cleaning the area around his eyes using moistened cotton towels.
- Continue the rest of his face with a cloth, around the mouth, behind the ear and below the neck.
- Wash his head with baby shampoo, must be neutral and slightly perfumed.
- Dip rest of his body with a special towel for this purpose.
- Upon completion bath, lift baby under his arms and put a dry towel on top of your shoulder so you can easily keep him warm.
- Drying the baby and give him a cuddle.
- Finish with a relaxing massage to sleep.

How to Promote Your Children Language

Here in we give a simple set of guidelines that are very effective to stimulate children to use language.
- How to promote your language? Naturally by speaking, reading, singing, naming things he sees and telling what we are do.
- How much stimulation do you need? In principle the more the better. However, quality prefer than quantity; that mean it makes no sense to spend all day talking without touching items, neither serves to sit for hours watching TV because interaction is a fundamental requirement.
- How do you speak? With a calm voice, simplifying the language, pausing, taking turns, approaching his face, looking into his eyes ..... That is just what the human being instinctively when dealing with infant, it will cost nothing.

Strabismus in Children

Strabismus means literally "look crooked", we say that a child has this problem when one or both eyes deviate from eye axis. And usually one eye turns in or out.

Strabismus has several causes:
- A problem related to eye muscle.
- It can be caused by a vision problem (eg. high farsightedness that make boy's eye twisting to see better).

How to detect: The two eyes are not aligned and may not move in tandem in the same direction (sometimes or never). Babies may have a false strabismus; pediatrician and ophthalmologist are responsible to correctly diagnose a squint.

Treatment: Eyeglasses can help correct the misalignment of the eyes, and in some cases can correct it completely. Other children will need surgery or lasers.

How to Relieve Discomfort in Baby Teething Stage

Teeth usually start out at 5 or 6 months age. It is natural that gums becomes swollen and inflamed during teething, occasionally can cause fever. If you notice a fever on your baby, consult your doctor because it is probably generate from another cause unrelated to teething.

It is common for the baby to have irritability, altered sleep patterns and decreased appetite; because in the process of the tooth breaks through the gum to quit cause discomfort such as itching and even pain.
Sometimes the tooth will not come out easily and gets stuck into the gum, at this time the dentist must assess the case and take the necessary action.

Tips to help your baby's in the teething stage:
- As at this time baby drooling a lot, you should always change the bedding that is in contact with the baby's face because the saliva that gets on his skin can cause rashes.
- You can put a handkerchief in freezer for 30 minutes and then give to baby to chew it, the cold numbs the gums.
- Rub the gums with the tip of your finger to relieve the itching felt by the baby. 
- Give the food at a lower temperature, it is also comforting for the baby to eat gelatin.
- If the baby is very irritable, you can use a pediatric gums gel or analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic, if prescribed by your doctor. 

Ovulation and fertile Days

Determine ovulating days is necessary to know the most favorable period for you to conceive, woman can not be fertilized until the egg down the fallopian tube and encounters a sperm that is able to enter it.


To find your fertile days; mark on calendar the day of your period for three or four months and see if it follows the same time. Just subtract 14-days of your cycle so you get your approximate ovulation day.
This is possible in the case of regular women but if your period is irregular, it will be much harder to know your ovulate days.
However, it is possible to know your ovulation days by it's symptoms: abdominal pain, change in vaginal discharge, increased basal body temperature (chill feel).

How to Strengthen the Baby's Hair

We all want a beautiful child, with a nice hair, shiny, silky and healthy. The hair is not only part of the face but reflects the overall nutritional status of the baby.


If the child's hair is brittle, that means something in his feed is fail, such as energy, vitamins and minerals in general, but especially proteins since these are the main component of hair.
We know some specific nutrients that help improve the health of hair:
- Vitamin B Complex: Some B vitamins like Biotin, Riboflavin (B2) and pantothenic acid (B5) have various functions that are related to the formation of proteins and cell membranes that form the hair base. These vitamins are found in meat products (beef, chicken and fish), eggs and milk and all its derivatives. Lesser amount is found in vegetables like broccoli, spinach and tomato. Much lower amount found in grain such as wheat or rice.

Protein, iron and vitamin; these three are probably the most critical foods, so if the baby's hair is healthy, this is a good indication that the intake of these three nutrients is adequate. These three are found in animal foods such as organ meats, meat (all animals) and except iron is also found in eggs and milk.

Another way to promote infants hair is to keep clean from birth, also brush help massaging the scalp making you have a better hair.

The Baby Should Eat With His Hands

At age of about 6 months babies start to eat some pieces and he begin to take them from your hands. By 7 months your baby is acquiring greater skills with their hands and fingers to get food to the mouth, and will initially take the food with the whole hand and push it with the palm of the hand. Over time babies will improve their skills and be able to catch food with their fingers and take it easy in the mouth.

Some families allow babies to take food with their hands freely, but others reject this practice. All of this is extremely bad, and the most beneficial way to feed your baby is to use spoon and simultaneously allow him to take some food with his hands.
Additionally you can provide snacks so that he can take with his hands, such as pieces of bread, cereal, fruit, vegetables, pasta, cheese and etc. You should avoid giving your baby hard foods like grapes, candy and etc, because baby tends to chew food before swallow it, and these foods can choke. ALWAYS be with your baby while giving him foods and never let him eat alone.

Breastfeeding "Colostrum"

Colostrum is a viscous substance has a light yellow color, contains many proteins, minerals, vitamins, calories and immune agents that provide protection to the newborn against viruses, bacteria and germs that are exposed after birth.

Colostrum produce in highest concentration early days, so it is recommended to place the baby to the breast immediately after birth. The immediate breastfeeding strengthens the bonds between mother and son, helps the placenta to separate easily and the baby's sucking stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk in few days.

The baby has a very delicate digestive system and colostrum is digestible easily. The production is small but contains enough to feed the baby in first few days until the arrival of milk. It will help to eliminate excess bilirubin, preventing and/or reversing jaundice, another characteristic of colostrum is maintaining the level of sugar in the blood. The mother passed to her newborn the immunological agents in colostrum, therefore baby become protected from diseases of the medium in which they live.

The amount of food an infant receives depends on the production of the mother. Some women do not have milk in the beginning while others have plenty of milk even before birth, if you do not have milk you can put the baby to suck your breast and this will encourage production.
During the first 2 or 3 days the baby can be fed with only 7 or 8 milliliters of colostrum. By the third day, when transition occurs in the production of colostrum milk; the baby will be feed by 30 to 60 milliliters so you can feed him in periods of 2 ½ to 3 hours.

Muscle and Joint Pain During Pregnancy

Most women suffer from muscle and joint discomfort during pregnancy, sometimes they get scared from pain and nothing reassure them than having information. These complaints usually come in week 14. 

 - Round Ligament Pain: which most know as "ovarian pain", this pain appear at the end of a day's effort; a lot of walking or prolonged standing. The affected area is the ligament in the groin, usually the right.
- Pubic Pain: The pain is located below the navel and above the pubic hair. It is due to relaxation of the pubic joint due to hormones, this relaxation is needed for delivery. This pain intensifies with heavy work, staying long in one position or straining the abdominal muscles.

From the 3rd trimester other pain can be identified:
- Pain: Is the pain in your lower back, center and above the buttocks. It is due to the changes that occur in the spine due to increased weight of the abdomen. You should avoid bending over to pick something up.

- Sacroiliitis: Also on the lower back but sideways, it's a natural change of the spine to counter the weight. 
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Numbness, pain and tingling of the fingers, especially the middle finger. It is due to fluid accumulation in an area near the wrist and compression on nerves. It is improved by raising the hands above heart level, and opening and closing the fingers.

These complaints do not represent any danger to the mother or child, but if the pains are very severe, consult your doctor about ways to drop them.

Tattoos for Hands Playing

Tattoos to play with your hands, so became shark, zebra, giraffe, cow, crocodile, or any other animal.
They are full color tattoos as we see in the picture, a set of eight temporary tattoos that can be purchased in two versions: monsters or animals.
They are very easy to install and remove with just some water! I wish they were multipurpose type stickers to play again and again.


Baby Nursery

Leaving the secure environment that will provide the arms of Mom and Dad can make to our small an adventure to live outward. For babies, regardless of age, is a new world that open for their social and emotional growth.

Choose to enroll our baby to a nursery is a very particular choice and every family valued according to their needs, morals, education or personal tastes. Beyond others maternal opinions or traditions or cultural, it is true that in today's society, the service offered by nurseries are necessary for many families.
If it's reliable and meets all requirements, then it is a way for our child begins to socialize and prepare for upcoming school years.
 Nursery offers the possibility of extending their relationships; they feel as part of a group which must meet a set of rules and schedules. Stop being the center of the world, and become a partner and friend to share and battle toy or snack appetizing.

You will notice also change and develop in their communication. In addition they begin to ask for things in a different way than it does with Mom and Dad.

Going to daycare does not mean that we, as parents, should neglect their education and care, quite the opposite as we should be in full connection with the school and their teachers. The home must be the continuation of certain rules to be instilled in their mind.

Education professionals are going to offer different guidelines to motivate and exercise child's physical and emotional development through play. It is beneficial also because it learn dialogue, understanding and tolerance.
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